Sung Kyum CHO is a professor in the Department of Communication at Chungnam National University and director of the Center for Asian Public Opinion Research & Collaboration Initiative (CAPORCI).
Since its inception, Prof. Cho has played a very active role in the Asian Network for Public Opinion Research (ANPOR), serving as its first president. He continues to support ANPOR as a member of the council in the role of Past President. In addition, he is the publisher and an associate editor for ANPOR’s journal, the Asian Journal for Public Opinion Research (AJPOR).
Prof. Cho has also been president of the Korea Association for Survey Research (KASR, 2011-2012) and the Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies (KSJCS, 2015-2016). He served as an editor for KASR’s journal Survey Research and was a member of the editorial board of the Indian Journal of Science Communication.
He was a member of the advisory committee on election polling to the Korean Broadcasting Network (KBS; 1997-2010). From 2010 to 2013, he was the chairman of the Committee on the Impact of Media Concentration. He has been a member of the Daejeon Election Survey Deliberation Commission since 2014. Since 2008, he has been a Subcommittee Chair for the Statistics Korea (KOSTAT) Self-Evaluation Committee.
Awards he has earned include the Gallup Korea Award (2004), the Deputy Prime Minister Commendation (2006), and the Rathore Memorial International Award for Science Communication (2013).
Currently, he is part of a team that has just started conducting the Korean Academic Multimode Open Survey (KAMOS). This is a nationwide, representative, omnibus survey that allows researchers to submit questions.
Major past projects include developing a new societal communication quality model and index (2012-2016) and studying public opinion about biotechnology issues in the ELSI Project of the Human Genome Research (2001-2010).
He has written several books, books chapters, and many papers and presentations. Topics of some recent publications include survey methodology (including mobile phone and online surveys), election polling in Korea, and public communication.
He earned his Ph.D. from Seoul National University in 1991.