The research papers in this issue address different aspects of the interconnected topics of satisfaction with residence and local government using various methods.
- Does Local Government Affect Community Satisfaction of the Younger Generation in Rural Areas? The Case of Jeonbuk, South Korea by Younghyun Cho and Kyung-Young Lee, addresses how satisfaction with public services and trust in local government affect community satisfaction in rural South Korea.
- Evaluating the Quality of Public Services through Social Media by Nori Wilantika and Septian Bagus Wibisono, proposes using Twitter to evaluate public services in Indonesia.
- Residents’ Opinions on Apartment Living in Lahore, Pakistan by Tehniyat Fatima, Shermeen Bano, Basharat Hussain, Rabiya Zaidi, and Asif Shahzad, explores satisfaction with apartment living in Pakistan, using both a survey and in-depth interviews.
- Media credibility is discussed in a research note, Perception of Electronic News Media of Pakistan in the Digital Age by Muzammil Saeed, Tayyab Farooq, Muazam Ali Khan, and Nasir Mahmood, based on the results of focus group discussions.

In the editor-in-chief’s essay, John Kennedy ponders how we read academic articles and what the implications are in terms of article length.