AJPOR is currently seeking additional submissions for two upcoming special sections:
- COVID-19 Attitudes and Responses – The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost every aspect of daily life in many countries. This special section aims to capture public opinion about the virus and opinions about government/societal responses to it. Papers that use surveys or other methods of learning public opinions related to COVID-19 are welcome. Topics could include, but are not limited to, public attitudes about government regulations, willingness to comply with guidelines or regulations, concerns about the future, and quality of life issues surrounding the virus. Papers that compare the attitudes of people in two or more countries as well as papers that look at the situation in a single Asian country are welcome.
- Research Methods Used for Public Opinion Research in Asia: Opportunities and Challenges – We want to publish papers that study contemporary methodological questions when conducting public opinion in Asia. If the current methods are not appropriate, how can current methods be adapted, or should they be replaced by other methods? Under these circumstances what are the challenges when adapting these methods? Or, what can public opinion research learn from adapting methods currently in use in other scholarly fields?
We expect to publish imaginative and interesting papers that include both empirical applications and thought papers. We hope to contribute to the further development of public opinion research in Asia by showcasing methodological advancements that demonstrate their usefulness in public opinion theory, research, and practice.
Papers are welcome from researchers in any country but the papers must focus on public opinion research in Asia (broadly defined).
All papers for these special sections should be submitted by June 30, 2020. The special issue will be published in August 2020. If more papers are accepted than can be included in the special issue or are submitted after the deadline, they may be included in later issues of AJPOR.
Submissions should be made online using Scholastica.
Any questions should be directed to AJPORSubmissions@gmail.com.